Team Building in Vermont


Choose from the following Vermont locations and venues or let us know where you would like to have your event.

Barre Corporate Team Building – Vermont
Bennington Corporate Team Building – Vermont
Brattleboro Corporate Team Building – Vermont
Burlington Corporate Team Building – Vermont
Colchester Corporate Team Building – Vermont
Essex Corporate Team Building – Vermont
Hartford Corporate Team Building – Vermont
Manchester Corporate Team Building – Vermont
Middlebury Corporate Team Building – Vermont
Montpelier Corporate Team Building – Vermont
Norwich Corporate Team Building – Vermont
Rutland Corporate Team Building – Vermont
St. Albans Corporate Team Building – Vermont
St. Johnsbury Corporate Team Building – Vermont
South Burlington Corporate Team Building – Vermont
Springfield Corporate Team Building – Vermont
Stowe Corporate Team Building – Vermont
Windsor Corporate Team Building – Vermont

Whether your business is located in Vermont or you are planning an offsite in The Green Mountain State, Professional Teambuilding will help you make your event a success.


Choose from the most cutting edge content and the most exciting team building activities & themes. We are here to serve you and to unleash the unlimited potential within your team. Reach out, call or email and let’s get started!


Vermont was the first state admitted to the Union after the thirteen original colonies. Vermont is an English form of the name that French explorer Samuel de Champlain gave to Vermont’s Green Mountains on his 1647 map. He called them “Verd Mont” meaning green mountain. The Green Mountains were so named because of the predominance of mica-quartz-chlorite schist, a green hued metamorphosed shale.

Vermont’s name is said to have been adopted upon the recommendation of Dr. Thomas Young. The following account of the christening of the Green Mountains, is given by the Rev. Samuel Peters in his life Of the Rev. Samuel Peters, published at New York in 1807,

“Verd Mont was a name given to the Green Mountains in October, 176l, by the Rev. Dr. Peters, the first clergyman who paid a visit to the 30,000 settlers in that country, in the presence of Col. Taplin, Col. Willes, Col. Peters, Judge Peters and many others, who were proprietors of a Large number of townships in that colony. The ceremony was performed on the top of a rock standing on a high mountain, then named Mount Pisgah because it provided to the company a clear sight of lake Champlain at the west, and of Connecticut river at the east, and overlooked all the trees and hills in the vast wilderness at the north and south. The baptism was performed in the following manner: Priest Peters stood on the pinnacle of the rock, when he received a bottle of spirits from Col. Taplin; then haranguing the company with a short history of the infant settlement, and the prospect of its becoming an impregnable barrier between the British colonies on the south and the late colonies of the French on the north, which might be returned to their late owners for the sake of governing America by the different powers of Europe, he continued, “We have here met upon the rock Etam, standing on Mount Pisgah , which makes a part ofthe everlasting hill , the spine of Asia, Africa and America , holding together the terrestrial ball, and dividing the Atlantic from the Pacific ocean – to dedicate and consecrate this extensive wilderness to God manifested in the flesh, and to give it a new name worthy of the Athenians and ancient Spartans,- which new name is Verd Mont, in token that her mountains and hills shall be ever green and shall never die.”

Other interesting Vermont facts:

Montpelier, Is the largest producer of maple syrup in the U.S.
Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream company gives their ice cream waste to the local Vermont farmers who use it to feed their hogs. The hogs seem to like all of the flavors except Mint Oreo. Vermont became the 14th state to join the United States
The state tree is the sugar maple (Acer saccharum), source of maple syrup, Vermont’s most famous export.


Vermont is a great location for team building, leadership, strategic planning & motivational events.

Call Professional Teambuilding so we can talk with you about the results you want to achieve and how we can help you achieve them.