In celebration of Winnie the Pooh Day – January 18 – here are a few wonderful insights from this lovable character and his friends that have impacted so many children’s lives.

Piglet: “How do you spell ‘love’?”
Pooh: “You don’t spell it…you feel it.”
-Winnie the Pooh

This adorable bear and his family of animal friends in The Hundred Acre Wood teach us valuable lessons about caring, connecting, facing challenges with courage, supporting others, accomplishing goals and believing in ourselves and our dreams.

“Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.”
-Winnie the Pooh

Think of someone you care about and take a moment to do something nice for them. Anything. A kind text. A quick call. Make time to see them even if for a short moment and tell them they are important and mean the world to you. Show them they are loved and appreciated and valued. These small but magic moments are what make life extraordinary.

“If the person you are talking to doesn’t appear to be listening, be patient. It may simply be that he has a small piece of fluff in his ear.”
—Winnie the Pooh

Assume that people are well intended and do the best they can given their current skillsets and awareness. In today’s world that piece of fluff is often the distraction of a smartphone in our hand or a screen that commands our attention, taking it away from those we are with. People are addicted to our phones and sometimes need a gentle and kind reminder to be present.

“A little consideration, a little thought for others, makes all the difference.”

Think of someone around you who might need a little encouragement. It could be a coworker or the person driving your uber or serving you lunch, or a stranger you pass on the street. Look someone in the eyes and connect just for a moment. Remind someone that we are all connected and even someone who doesn’t know us well can show they care.

“You can’t stay in your corner of the forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.”
—Winnie the Pooh

Think of a friend you haven’t connected with in a while and decide to reach out to them in a meaningful way. When we are busy it’s easy to let time pass by, waking up one day to realize that we missed wonderful opportunities for joy and connection.

“It never hurts to keep looking for sunshine.”

Where is there hidden sunshine in your life. What can you focus on that is positive, hopeful and good. It’s easy to find problems if we look for them. But if we look as hard for sunshine we realize that it is eternally shining every day.

“Before beginning a hunt, it is wise to ask someone what you are looking for before you begin looking for it.”
—Winnie the Pooh

Movement is different than progress.   Get clear on your goals and outcomes so that you don’t spend too much time doing things that don’t move the needle.

“I wonder what’s going to happen exciting today?”

Wake up every day expecting something exciting and good. See it in your mind. Feel it. If you can picture it in your head, you can begin to make it happen in the real world. Dreams with deadline and a plan to get there acted upon daily will ultimately create results.

“Love is taking a few steps backward maybe even more to give way to the happiness of the person you love.”
—Winnie the Pooh

Remember, it’s easy to let our ego get in the way. Whenever having a conflict, don’t forget to value the connection with the person over being right.

“If the string breaks, then we try another piece of string.”

If you’ve ever watched an infant trying to learn to walk, it’s a funny thing. They fall again and again. But they never give up. Nor do we. We never say that the child must not be a walker. We believe they will find a way and continue to encourage them without end. We must as adults do the same thing for ourselves. There is always a way, we just need to find it or make it.

“It isn’t much good having anything exciting, if you can’t share it with somebody.”
—Winnie the Pooh

We all share our problems, but often forget to celebrate our successes with those around us. Don’t forget to revel in even the smallest success. And share it with a friend. Relationships magnify emotions.

“If possible, try to find a way to come downstairs that doesn’t involve going bump, bump, bump, on the back of your head.”
—Winnie the Pooh

Seek expert strategies. No need to reinvent the wheel.   Need better communication – there are strategies. Need the power to better manage emotions – there are strategies. Want to be better at solving problems – there are tools.   Success leaves clues. There is a recipe for most results.

And remember always – “you are braver than you believe and stronger and smarter than you think.”

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