Happy Bubble Bath Day – January 8th
and Happy National Bath Safety Month.

For many, a relaxing bubble bath or and dip in a hot jacuzzi tub is an ideal way to relieve stress.  And hot water and steam do have many health benefits.

But for those who are daring and bold enough to take the plunge, cold water can offer even more health and psychological benefits.

Cold water immersion can have powerful positive impacts on our body.

It can trigger the body’s natural healing mechanisms, can relieve the symptoms of multiple medical conditions, and can increase your overall sense of health and wellbeing.

Benefits include:

1. Improved Circulation
2. Reduced Muscular Inflammation
3. Improved Lymphatic & Immune System Function

When consistently done on a daily basis over time, cold water immersion also is helpful in impacting and lowering metabolic rate and thus helping with weight loss.

One of the greatest benefits is building your power of resilience and mental toughness.

Forcing yourself to do something that is exceptionally challenging or initially highly uncomfortable is the key to building mental toughness and resilience.

This symbolic action can help you prime your mind to embrace things beyond your comfort zone. And as we all know, most great things in life come to us as a result of facing the unknown and the uncomfortable.

There are groups of people who once a year take an icy ceremonial dip into the freezing ocean to test their grit, but to get the true ongoing benefits it needs to be an everyday practice.

If you have access at your gym, spa or other facility, an ice bath or cold plunge can work wonders.

But anyone can get the benefits at home if we have the courage and the will to do it.

Simply ending your morning shower by turning the handle (all the way) to cold and immersing yourself in the cold water for a minute or two (not a second or two), can really make an impact.

The first time it will be a shock, but if you breath through it and hold steady, it will bring with it a sense of wellbeing and centeredness as well as an increase in your feeling of vitality every day.

Are you willing to see how it positively impacts your life? Are you willing to take the 10 day cold shower challenge?


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