Team Wheelchair Factory™

Doggy Wheelchairs

Each member of your team will help build a custom doggy wheelchair that will change life for our furry friends in need. This dog wheelchair building experience will touch your hearts and inspire your minds. It is filled with fun and excitement, as well as skills, tools and experiences that will make a dramatic & powerful impact on your team.

After an initial opening ceremony, briefing and orientation, your team will participate in a series of custom problem-solving activities during which you will learn and practice powerful new skills.

When it’s time, your team is rewarded with the parts to a brand new doggy wheel chair and the tools to build that dog wheelchair for your “customers”.

Your “customers” are cute little disabled dogs who will receive the gift of mobility as a result of your generous donation and effort.

Through participation in the Team Wheelchair Factory™ Doggy Wheel Chair experience, your team will gain a stronger feeling of team connection and more powerful motivation to achieve personal and team goals. You will also learn and master powerful tools & techniques that will translate into improved teamwork, better communication, and increased productivity.