Happy National Hat Day

Does it take a MAGIC HAT to bring YOU to LIFE?

We all remember fondly the story of Frosty the Snowman.

A “magic” hat placed upon his head, miraculously brought him to life.

“Happy Birthday!” were is first words.

There must have been some magic in that
Old silk hat they found
For when they placed it on his head
He began to dance around

But does it take a “magic” hat to bring us to life?  Maybe there is another way.

We all wear a number of  hats throughout our day and throughout our life.

Most of us, if we think about it, have access to a “best friend” hat, a “loving spouse” hat, an “excellent parent” hat, and an “outstanding worker” hat.

We likely wear these hats on occasion as circumstances require.

But what if we had access to an unlimited number of hats that made us more joyful, more powerful, more grateful, more capable, more passionate, more driven, more loving, more courageous, more patient, more generous, more excited, more forgiving, more flexible, more kind, more creative and more alive every day?

And what if we could choose to put any of these “emotion” hats on at any moment?

That would be something, wouldn’t it?

The thing is, we actually have all of those “emotion” hats available to us.

Think of a time when you were really excited about something.

It could be a time when you were a child, maybe excited about going on a family trip.

Maybe it was a time when you were a teenager and you were excited about going to see your favorite artist at your first concert.

Maybe you were excited about starting at your first job.  Maybe you met the one who would become love of your life and were excited to go on a date together.

Maybe you were excited when you found out you would be a parent.

Maybe it was the time your child for the first time said “Mom” or “Dad”.

Or maybe it was one of a million tiny moments in life you were excited about the most random wonderful things that brought you joy and happiness.

Put one of those moments of excitement in your mind and heart right now.

See what you saw.  Remember all of the vivid details of where you were and what it looked like.

What did you hear?  Go back to that moment and listen and remember all of the sounds or words that made that moment so special and exciting.

Put the excitement into your body and move the way you did in that moment.  Sit or stand with the same energy in your body, in your arms, in your face.  Smile the way you did with anticipation and excitement.  Feel your body almost vibrate the way you do when you are so excited about something you can’t stand still.

Feel it.  Enjoy it.  As if you were there living it once again and experiencing everything that made it so exciting.

You feel a little bit of that excitement now, don’t you?

Emotions are like muscles.  The more we use them the easier they are to access.

Most people have built a dirt road to love, gratitude and happiness – thinking these should only happen in the extreme for moments.

Yet most of us have a super-highway to anger, fear, stress, sadness, disappointment or indifference.

But the mind will go where we train it to go.

Let’s train our minds to feel wonderful, empowering and resourceful emotions.

So get excited. Decide now, to spend a little more time each day focused on what you feel grateful for, or what excites you, or what makes you happy.

Commit to noticing the little things each day that can help you feel emotions that make you stronger and more vibrant – more courageous, more determined, more kind, more patient, more grateful, more loving, more hopeful, more creative, more ecstatic.

Feel the emotions that will strengthen and enrich your life and make you a more wonderful version of yourself – for you and for all those you care about.

Build those muscles a little each day and you will find that a few months down the line you have created a set of beautiful “emotion” hats that you can put on your head at any moment.

Create the magic hats that will light you up and bring you to life every day!

“Happy Birthday!”
– Frosty the Snowman


Click here to learn about building emotional intelligence and emotional muscle at work.

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