Corporate Values Alignment™

Why do some organizations constantly exceed expectations, perform exceptionally, and create outstanding results?

Why do the employees at these companies enjoy their work, like their co-workers & managers and take a personal interest in getting things accomplished?

When we look at these high performing teams we see the same underlying three critical factors again and again:

  1. Team members truly understand and have chosen their own personal values.
  2. Team members know and understand the corporate values and vision and see their personal role as integral and significant to achieving it.
  3. Team members’ personal values are in alignment, not conflict, with the corporate values and vision so that they feed upon each other.

We refer to this as Corporate Values Alignment™. When there is alignment, increased trust, connection and empowerment, the hallmarks of a high performance team, are certain to be present.

High performance teams usually have the following in common: they face a compelling goal, all members are committed to achieving that goal, all members respect, trust, care about and are loyal to each other, all members are each willing to take risks and make difficult decision, all members creatively collaborate, all members advise each other, all members listen to each other, all members expect, work through, and value the outcome from occasional and even regular conflict or disagreement, all members each take for granted they are personally accountable for the result, all members enjoy going to work.

An effective CVA™ Program begins with assessment. We gather information about your organization from every level to ensure we know where we are starting. It is also critical to have front line input before going forward with strategic change.

Next, the focus will be with the Senior Executives and Officers. The core team that inspires and guides the direction of the entire organization must choose, know and understand their own values and align them with those of the company. We provide you with tools and techniques to achieve that alignment. The more congruent and consistent their actions are with those values and beliefs, the more they will inspire loyalty and productivity.

During a several day off-site event, senior management will push their own limits and comforts zones, build connection and trust with each other, master the keys to effective communication and leadership, discover and fine-tune their personal values and beliefs, and refine the corporate values and beliefs so that they are consistent and results directed.

Next we work in conjunction with those Officers and Executives to replicate the process with middle management during a weekend or two day program. These are the people who must direct the implementation of the corporate vision and inspire their employees to daily productivity and efficiency.

Finally we bring management and employees together for a one day teambuilding event where they are introduced to the information, tools and insights management has learned and they have an opportunity to build the increased trust and connection that will be necessary to begin the final phase of CVA™.

In the final phase, management will utilize what they have learned to continually teach, train and guide their employees to stay on course utilizing materials we design specifically for your organization.

Your team will know what you must do, want to do it, know how to do it and enjoy achieving exceptional results together.