If your company is like most, when it comes time for the holidays you want to have a unique and exciting holiday party that your people will enjoy and appreciate.

The typical party involves dinner, music and maybe a little dancing.  Perhaps a “secret Santa” exchange at the tables or some comical entertainment? A band or live entertainer?  An address by the company president?

When employees in multiple industries were surveyed about why we go to our company holiday parties, do you know what the most common answer was?

To celebrate the holidays?  No
To enjoy some time with our co-workers?  No
Because it’s going to be an exciting, unforgettable night?  No

The most common answer was “Because I’m expected to/Because I have to.”

When asked to rank a list of 45 corporate and non-corporate activities in order from most favorite to least favorite, the survey found that the company holiday party received a slightly higher average rating than “going to the dentist,” and “going to a performance review,” with several rating it on par with being “kicked in the teeth.”

If you asked surveyed your team and got honest feedback about your last holiday party, where would your people rate it?   Would they say things like “It was fun!”  “It was amazing!”  “I can’t wait for our holiday parties!”  “It was the highlight of the year!”

Don’t you want something unique and memorable, something that your people will be excited about and talk about throughout the year?

* Something that you will enjoy and appreciate?
* Something you will look forward to?
* Something that will benefit you?
* Something useful?
* Something fun?
* Something that makes a difference?
* Something that will bring your team together and create powerful personal connections?
* Something your friends will wish they experienced?
* Something new and different?

Professional Teambuilding provides you just that.

We provide dozens of CSR Charity & Philanthropy Team Building Activities you will never forget.

These unique and powerful holiday party events will engage, entertain and inspire your team with experiences they will share and remember throughout the year.

Choose one of these Professional Teambuilding events and you can be sure your holiday party will be something your people will enjoy, appreciate, and always remember as one of the highlights of the year.

Call, email or chat with us to plan your amazing holiday party.

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