Executive Coaching

Executive Coaching – What Is It?
Executive Coaching consists of helping you establish and achieve your goals and purposes, overcome barriers to your success, and get more out of your business or life itself. An exceptional coach can help you or your business reach the next level and beyond. Countless successful individuals – including business executives, professional athletes, elected officials and entertainment celebrities – have used coaches to help them achieve their dreams and goals and overcome the barriers to their success. The best athletes, politicians, entertainers and leaders in the world recognized long ago that a coach gives them a winning edge.

Why Coaching?
In our rapidly changing world, new and dynamically different work habits are required simply to survive. In order to thrive, technical skills must be complemented by personal skills in communication, leadership and motivation. Deep insight into what makes people tick is absolutely required. In today’s business world, good skills and good intentions no longer produce good results, let alone the outstanding results you must achieve. All human beings develop patterns of thinking and behavior that serve them well, up to a point. At that point, your strength also becomes your weakness. Your focus and history prevent you from moving to the next level. As Albert Einstein pointed out, a challenge cannot be solved with the same level of thinking that created it.

What do Coaches do?
It is the coach who points out strengths and weaknesses and can objectively discuss wins and losses. It is the coach who can objectively observe patterns in thinking, emotions and behavior that are driving shortfalls and successes. Like an athletic coach, an executive coach objectively helps clients work through issues as they arise, keep balance and stay focused on results. An Executive coach ensures that you hold yourself and those in your organization to the standards, values and goals you have chosen. Executive coaches are not friends, employees, or bosses. They are business partners focusing on your success. These partners provide objective performance feedback, the good and the bad. They provide ideas, tools and techniques for changing behavior and performance instantly and forever. An Executive coach has been there and understands where you’re coming from and has achieved many of the results you’re looking to achieve. Your coach will assist, guide and support you with the tools, techniques, action plan and accountability that will ensure you reach your goals faster while enjoying the process more than ever before. An executive coach helps you achieve your desired results now.

What results will coaching produce for you?
Executive Coaching enables you to increase your income, sales & profitability; reach bigger goals quickly and efficiently; attract more customers with less effort; eliminate problems that slow down productivity, cause stress and waste time, money & energy; accelerate team performance and productivity without resistance or conflicts; create a fulfilling, enjoyable career & work environment; reduce employee turnover; and have more fun and live a healthier, balanced life. Great leaders, athletes, musicians, and entertainers know that the best way to learn how to improve their performance, reach greater goals, utilize their strengths and talents and work effectively to achieve incredible, long term success is by working with an exceptional coach. Companies and executives are finding that coaching delivers incredible results including increased profitability, performance and productivity as well as decreased internal conflicts, problems and attrition. Growing, supporting and retaining your people through coaching will provide your organizations with the competitive advantage that will drive you towards results.

Establishing Goals
One of the first steps to achieving any goal is defining it clearly. Believe it or not, this is an area where many people have difficulty. Even the most talented people can have difficulty in this area. Successful people are often so busy or so focused on the task at hand that the big picture becomes elusive. Our strength, our ability to passionately focus in the moment and produce results, also becomes our weakness as it prevents us from stepping back and perceiving other pertinent information or perspectives. Energy without direction is chaos. Activity itself does not lead anywhere without a clear direction. An exceptional coach helps provide an objective perspective as you examine and define your goals. An executive coach gives unbiased guidance and input as you progress forward to help ensure you and your organization are adhering to your own standards and directives.

A Powerful Reason to Reach your Goals
Even with a target clearly set, in order to produce powerful results, human beings must have a powerful reason to take action. Why do we want to achieve our goal? What will we, our team members, our company, our customers or anyone else get as a result of our successful attainment of the goals we set? An exceptional coach helps you establish and continually remind yourself and your staff of why it is you are doing what you do, who it benefits and how – providing you with the passion and power to charge forward towards your target.

Assessment of Resources & Planning
The most effective leaders in the world have something in common – they find resources where others do not, presides over all their states of consciousness with obstinate rigor and they turn problems into possibilities. The reason they can do this is because of a learned or inherent ability to shift sensory & communication modes at will and to understand & master their own emotional states. Our perceptions, actions and perspective at any given moment are all driven by our emotional state at that moment – if we are determined, courageous, confident we see the world one way… if we are stressed, angry, or fearful we see it another. A coach helps you refocus on the possibilities and the potential so that you can yourself be more resourceful in assessing any situation and making a concrete plan of action.

Implementation – The Key to Success
No matter how powerful the plan, implementation is the key. In a world of uncertainty, even the best plan presents challenges to those striving to implement them. An exceptional coach will help you assess any problems or challenges to implementation, re-assess resources and adjust the plan, and help you maintain the necessary focus to blast forward through any problem or barrier.

Communication & Objective Support
Successful leaders have something else in common – ongoing communication and objective support from someone who really understands their situation, their ambitions and their plans AND who remains objectively driven by their best interest and nothing else. A coach has an external perspective. They are not consistently being hit with all of the “noise”, bad news, distractions, and other pressures a business executive, manager or owner faces daily. The focus on the daily challenges makes it difficult for all of us to maintain a broader perspective. The coach, by definition, is locked into the broader perspective and has nothing to distract them from your targets and objectives. The finest athletes and teams in the world use coaches. The most successful elected officials use coaches as well. Kings and leaders of nations have always had trusted advisors. The most successful business leaders know this fact and have always had someone working with them in that capacity as well.

Consulting vs. Coaching
Successful businesses have recognized and utilized consulting services for decades. However, the services offered by the traditional consulting firm often stop before the implementation phase. Executive Coaching is the logical and necessary extension of consulting services – practical assistance and support during the implementation phase. The best laid plans are of no use and no value unless they are effectively implemented and adjusted to achieve the specified outcome. We stay with you from start to finish to produce real world results.